Emotional Support Animal Program
Our Mission
Our mission is to connect, engage, and inform those that struggle with physical, psychological, and social issues in our community by providing emotional support animals and their assistants to community organizations to enhance quality of life through animal assisted therapy. We provide volunteer opportunities for animal lovers to share the supportive nature of their pets with those that would gain emotional support through their interaction and presence.
Community partners are welcome to contact us. Our services have been provided to:
- The Woodstock Police
- Indwell
- The Counselling House
We are are always looking for volunteers who would like to share their emotional support animal with others in are visiting pet program. Please contact us if you would like to have your pet either designated as an ESA or designated as a visiting ESA.
If you are an organization that is interested in having a designated Emotional Support Animal volunteer visit your location please let us know. We are always excited to share our Emotional Support Animal program with you.